Designer Tips

Trends to Try: Bold Powder Rooms

Are you ready to try another fun trend in your home? Wallpaper is popping up everywhere lately, especially powder rooms. Since powder rooms are small, they're the perfect space to experiment with bold wallpaper. Read on to find tips on trying this trend in your home and drool over some amazing design inspiration!

Tip #1: Simplify the Rest

When using bold wallpaper in a small space, the rest of the decor needs to be simple so it doesn't compete with the beauty of the wallpaper.

Tip #2: Meet Halfway

If you love wallpaper but not ready for a bold, floor-to-ceiling look, use it on part of the wall. For example, use shiplap, tile, or wainscoting on the bottom of the wall and apply wallpaper above.

Tip #3: Focus on the Vanity

Even if you already have a bold or unique vanity, you can still experiment with wallpaper. Choose wallpaper that has a neutral color scheme and a small or medium scale repeating pattern. This type of wallpaper will create a beautiful backdrop for a stunning vanity.

Tip #4: Skip the Color

Maybe you want to experiment with wallpaper but are afraid of picking a color that you might get sick of or choose a color that won't flow with the rest of your house. If this is the case, try skipping the bold colors and go bold with the pattern instead.

Check out these beautiful wallpapers we gathered from some of our favorite online shops:

Are you ready to add wallpaper to your powder room? Let our professional interior designers choose the perfect paper for your style and budget in just 3-5 business days! Our virtual design services start at just $49.95, so get started today!

This post may contain affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. All opinions and recommendations are our own.

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